Trucks & Vehicles Auctions

Looking for a specific vehicle for professional or commercial use? Find a variety of used commercial & utility vehicles for sale from one of the many reputable auction houses selling on BidSpotter. Browse the current catalog for bucket trucks, boom trucks, service & utility trucks, semi or truck tractors, cab & chassis trucks, forestry trucks, waste trucks, vans and other vehicles, as well as parts, accessories, trailers and attachments listed in current and upcoming online truck & vehicle auctions. Use filters to narrow results with fields like vehicle type, make, model or location, and discover listed trucks, vans & more for sale that fit your criteria. Give yourself the best chance to win your favorites in both timed online auction events and live online auction events by adding items to your watchlist, setting up alerts & reminders, and placing bids on the vehicles that match your requirements.

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Citroen Relay 35 L3 2.0 H2 Van (2018), Toyota Aygo Hatchback Special Edition (2011) & Citroen Dispatch 1000 1.6 HDi 90 L1H1 Van (2016)
(1637) 2020 Chevy Alaskan Truck, Landscaping Equip
room Burlington, Vermont
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Brake-Co Truck Parts: Commercial truck parts, machine shop, pallet racking, forklift
LIVE Budget Box Truck & Transit Van Auction - FEBRUARY 12TH
Professional Moving & Storage Facility - Enterprise Van Lines
room Valley Cottage, New York
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Southerns Broadstock Ltd
room Cheshire
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