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61 item(s)/page
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Packaging Line 1 - Bulk Lot
Packaging Line 1 Bulk Lot from Lot 102 to Lot 107 (Subject to confirmation. The winner will be determined based on the sum of bids on lots 102 to ...
ADCO Vertical Glue Rotary Cartoner, Model Compact 4-SS, stainless steel, 8-pocket quick size adjust starwheel w/ capable of speeds up to 60 CPM. ...
Dorner Belt Conveyor
Dorner belt conveyor, Model ER2200 Series, power, approx. 6 in. x 98 in. (NEW - never installed) (Subject to confirmation. The winner will be dete...
ARPAC Automatic Top Loading Case Packer, Model Arbot 500 with Yaskawa Robot. Capable of speeds up to 15 picks peer minute. 6-axis 12KG. MH-12 Case...
Loveshaw (Little David) Automatic case Erector and Bottom Sealer, Model CF25T/60. Right Handed box configuration. Machine is capable of speeds up ...
Loveshaw Top Tape Case Sealer
Loveshaw (Little David) Top Tape Case Sealer, Model LD24/2. Capable of speeds up to 22 CPM (depending on application). Case size range: 8in. - 24...
Packaging Line 2 - Bulk Lot
Packaging Line 2 Bulk Lot from Lot 109 to Lot 114 (Subject to confirmation. The winner will be determined based on the sum of bids on lots 109 to ...
ADCO Vertical Glue Rotary Cartoner, Model Compact 4-SS, stainless steel, 8-pocket quick size adjust starwheel w/ Capable of speeds up to 60 CPM. ...
Dorner Belt Conveyor
Dorner belt conveyor, Model ER2200 Series, power, approx. 6 in. x 98 in. (NEW - never installed) (Subject to confirmation. The winner will be dete...
ARPAC Automatic Top Loading Case Packer, Model Arbot 500 with Yaskawa Robot. Capable of speeds up to 15 picks peer minute. 6-axis 12KG. MH-12 Case...
Loveshaw (Little David) Model CF25T/60 Automatic Case Erector and Bottom Sealer. Right Handed box configuration. Machine is capable of speeds up t...
Loveshaw Little David Automatic Top Tape Case Sealer, Model LD24/2. Capable of speeds up to 22 CPM (depending on application). Case size range: 8i...
ADCO Vertical Glue Rotary Cartoner, Model Compact 4-SS, stainless steel, 8-pocket quick size adjust starwheel w/ Capable of speeds up to 60 CPM. H...
Dorner Belt Conveyor
Dorner belt conveyor, Model ER2200 Series, power, approx. 6 in. x 98 in. (NEW - never installed)
ARPAC Stretch Wrapper
ARPAC Stretch Wrapper Model EWA EZ Load. Capable of up to 15 RPM or 25-55 loads per hour. Max load size: 53in.W x 53in.L. Film Roll Diameter: 2-in...
Waters Bio-Botanical Extraction SFE System Bulk Lot from Lot 120 to Lot 127A (Subject to confirmation. The winner will be determined based on the ...
Waters SFE Apparatus Cart
Waters SFE apparatus cart incl.: (1) Waters back pressure regulator, Model ABPR-200, (1) Waters level sensor module, Model 05232, (2) Waters tempe...
Waters Extraction Cylinder
Waters extraction cylinder, Model 279003123 (Subject to confirmation. The winner will be determined based on the sum of bids on lots 120 to 127A v...
Waters Extraction Cylinder
Waters extraction cylinder, Model 279003123 (Subject to confirmation. The winner will be determined based on the sum of bids on lots 120 to 127A v...
Waters SFE Apparatus Cart
Waters extraction cylinder, Model 279003350, 15L (Subject to confirmation. The winner will be determined based on the sum of bids on lots 120 to 1...
PolyScience WhisperCool recirculating chiller, Model 6160T21A130D, ser. no. 6U1581950 (Subject to confirmation. The winner will be determined base...
Julabo Recirculating Chiller
Julabo recirculating chiller, Model FL601, ser. no. 10287308 (Subject to confirmation. The winner will be determined based on the sum of bids on l...
ATG Peristaltic Pumps
(2) ATG peristaltic pumps, Model FT Drive YZ2515X, stainless steel c/w ATG AF600 touch screen control (Subject to confirmation. The winner will be...
accessories for Waters Extraction System (Subject to confirmation. The winner will be determined based on the sum of bids on lots 120 to 127A vs b...
Eagle Scale
Eagle Micro Syst. Dual-cylinder scale, Model DMS302, ser. no. 1616-013, 2 x 300 lbs. cap. {Tagged as 134] (Subject to confirmation. The winner wil...
Mettler Toledo Metal Detector
Mettler Toledo metal detector Model SL1500, ser. no. 8419101 (2015), stainless steel, approx. 6 in. x 8 in. opening, approx. 4 in. x 48 in. belt c...
Capsule Filling System
capsule filling system, ser. no. 129173F02, stainless steel w/ VSD (Subject to Confirmation) ...[more]
VWR Large Capacity Stirrer
VWR large capacity stirrer, Model 12621-058, ser. no. 160912001, 100L cap.
Markem Image Inkjet Coder
Markem Image inkjet coder, Model 5600/5800, ser. no. US18320395
Shel Lab Force Air Oven
Shel Lab force air oven, Model SM028-2, ser. no. 01010918, 27 cu. ft. cap. ...[more]
Chromaflow Column
Chromaflow column, stainless steel, approx. 26 in. dia. x 30 in.
Alfa Laval Disc Centrifuge
Alfa Laval Disc Centrifuge, model BTPX205-SGD-34CDP-50, ser. no. 4091604, 6.5 kW w/ Watson Marlow 604s peristaltic pump, EH flow meter, control pa...
West Capper
West capper, Model NPW-575, ser. no. 1059, stainless steel, 9166 hrs.
Amersham Biotech UV/pH/Conductivity transmitter, ser. no. 1081, stainless steel c/w flow meter, misc. peristaltic pumps w/ casters
ChemGlass Chemical Reactor
ChemGlass chemical reactor, Model HCM-0711-070PS, jacketed, 30L cap. w/ CG-2077-M 25.4mm mixer, OptiChem CG-2033 motor control and OptiChem temper...
(3 pallets/33 cases x 200 ea. = 6600) MediPlast PRT round white bottles, 250cc, p/n R25014 (NEW)
Dram 30 Round Bottles
(2 pallets/12 cases x 600 ea. = 7200) Dram 30 round white bottles, straight sided, 53/400 air tight, child proof, p/n J3053PE (NEW)
MoldRite Plastic White Caps
(1 pallet/18 cases x 750 ea. = 13500) MoldRite CR53 plastic white caps, p/n C53HL4 (fits lots 140, 141 and 147) (NEW)
Dynamic White Pouch
(1 pallet/3 cases x 1100 ea. = 3300) Dynamic white pouch, 28g, p/n BG8X6X263-SW (NEW)
Dynamic White Pouch
(1 pallet/20 cases x 1000 ea. = 20000) Dynamic white pouch, 3.5g, p/n BG362X586X15-SW (NEW)
Alpha White Oil Bottles
(2 pallets/36 cases x 640 ea. = 23040) Alpha BR/SS 20-B white oil bottles, p/n B1520PI (NEW)
Various Bottles
(1 pallet) incl. 6 cases x 990 ea. = 5940 Alpha amber oil bottles, 30 ml; 3 cases x 1300 ea. = 3900 Boston round white oil bottles; 6 cases x 4000...
Alpha White Bottles
(11 pallets/24 cases x 187 ea. = 4488) Alpha 53-A dry round white bottles, 400cc, RD/SS, p/n 400RND53W (NEW)
Comar Oral Dispensers
(1 pallet/10 cases x 3500 ea. + 1 case x 2000 = 37000) Comar oral dispensers, 1 ml (NEW)
Codema Cube/Block Loader
(2) Codema cube/block loader (NEW 2018 - never installed) Subject to Confirmation ...[more]
Unilux Boiler
Unilux boiler, Model ZF800W, s/n A3368 (2018), LNG, 8270 MBH w/ Weishaudt burner, Model WM-G30/1-A ZM c/w AI Data Grow control panel w/ Weishaudt ...
Unilux Boiler
Unilux boiler, Model ZF800W, s/n A3369 (2018), LNG, 8270 MBH w/ Weishaudt burner, Model WM-G30/1-A ZM c/w AI Data Grow control panel w/ Weishaudt ...
Unilux Boiler
Unilux boiler, Model ZF800W, s/n A3365 (2018), LNG, 8270 MBH w/ Weishaudt burner, Model WM-G30/1-A ZM c/w AI Data Grow control panel w/ Weishaudt ...
Unilux Boiler
Unilux boiler, Model ZF800W, s/n A3371 (2018), LNG, 8270 MBH w/ Weishaudt burner, Model WM-G30/1-A ZM c/w AI Data Grow control panel w/ Weishaudt ...
Codema Tray Washer
Codema tray washer (NEW - never installed) ...[more]
Cook Blower
Cook blower, Model 270QMX, ser. no. 270QMXD11 (2018), 15/39 cfm (NEW - never installed) (subject to confirmation) ...[more]
Econ Technologies CO2 Extraction System, incld. twin city fan and blower, model RBO-SW, S/N 18-727823-1-1, size 921, 50 hp premium efficiency moto...
Buchi Chromatography System
Buchi Chromatography System, model PrepChrom C-700, S/N C700-146910-D, 115 volts, 60 Hz, (2017) fully automated flash chromatography and prep HPLC...
Buchi Rotary Evaporator
Buchi Rotavapor Rotary Evaporator, model R-300 HL, S/N 1000215969, w/Buchi interface, model I-300 Pro, and Buchi heating bath, model B-300 Base (2...
Buchi Vacuum Pump
Buchi vacuum pump, model V-300, S/N 1000215778 (2015) [Loc.GMP Production Area] (subject to confirmation)
Buchi Recirculating Chiller
Buchi Recirculating Chiller, model F-305, S/N 1441315 (2015) [Loc.GMP Production Area] (subject to confirmation)
Metter Toledo Balance
Mettler Toledo Balance, model MS104TS/00, S/N B748054862 [Loc.GMP Production Area]
PerkinElmer Flexar HPLC System
PerkinElmer Flexar HPLC system, incl.: PerkinElmer PDA Plus detector, Model Flexar, s/n N2850010 w/ PerkinElmer column oven, Model Flexar, s/n OVP...
Troemner Cailbration Weight
Troemner ss cylinder calibration test weight 5KG, density 7.85g/ cm3, ser. no. 1000172226 [Asset Located in Vaughan, Ontario] (Subject to Confirma...

61 item(s)/page