


In Day 3 - Public Auction - Mometal Structures, I...

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LOT DE (8) HBEAMS 16 X 77, TOTAL ENV. 21683 LBS (ROUGE) - Image 1 of 2
LOT DE (8) HBEAMS 16 X 77, TOTAL ENV. 21683 LBS (ROUGE) - Image 2 of 2
LOT DE (8) HBEAMS 16 X 77, TOTAL ENV. 21683 LBS (ROUGE) - Image 1 of 2
LOT DE (8) HBEAMS 16 X 77, TOTAL ENV. 21683 LBS (ROUGE) - Image 2 of 2
Auctioneer has chosen not to publish the price of this lot
Varennes, Quebec
{ Group of lots: 3031, 3032 } LOT DE (8) HBEAMS 16 X 77, TOTAL ENV. 21683 LBS (ROUGE)
{ Group of lots: 3031, 3032 } LOT DE (8) HBEAMS 16 X 77, TOTAL ENV. 21683 LBS (ROUGE)

Day 3 - Public Auction - Mometal Structures, Inc. - Large 3 Day Auction!

Sale Date(s)
Venue Address
201, Chemin de l'Energie
J3X 1P7

For Talbot & Associates Encanteur Inc. delivery information please telephone 450 347-2233.

Important Information

Large 3 Day Auction ! - Over 3,000 lots!!!

Public Auction - Mometal Structures, Inc.

Auction Date: Wednesday, Thursday & Friday, Sept 4, 5 & 6th starting at 9:30 am each day

Inspection: Tuesday, Sept 3rd from 9 am to 5:00 pm

Do Not Miss this one!

Partial Listing:

2017 Mazak CNC Lazer, (13) Overhead Cranes, (50)Jib Cranes, Plasma Cutters, (100)Welders Steel Raw Material, Beams, Press Brakes, Shears, Lathes, Bandsaws, Drills, Misc. Shop Equipment, Pickup Trucks, Trailers, Mobile Office, Heavy Duty Trucks, Semi-Trucks,  Tools & more!   



Buyers Premium 18%


Payment and removal

Full payment within 24 hours of your purchase


Small material: 72 hrs after the auction
Large equipment: you must make an agreement with the dismantling/rigging company on site.

Everything must be moved MAXIMUM September 18, 2019.
Note that the rigging cost is paid by the buyer


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