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143 item(s)/page
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FMC M&S 6 pocket rotary piston filler, set for A10 cans (Llenadora de lata de 6 pistones Marca FMC)
FMC M&S 6 pocket rotary piston filler, set for A10 cans (Llenadora de lata de 6 pistones Marca FMC). (Approx. Rigging/Remocion: $500) ...[more]
American can model 08 single head can seamer, set for A10 cans (Cerradora de latas Marca: Cano 08)
American can model 08 single head can seamer, set for A10 cans (Cerradora de latas Marca: Cano 08). (Approx. Rigging/Remocion: $500) ...[more]
Lot of 2 working tables (Lote de 2 mesas de trabajo). (Approx. Rigging/Remocion: $25) ...[more]
Lot of 2 mezzanine (Lote de 2 mezzanie)
Lot of 2 mezzanine (Lote de 2 mezzanie). (Approx. Rigging/Remocion: $175) ...[more]
Rotating and conveyor from of can (Volteador y transportador de lata). (Approx. Rigging/Remocion: $150) ...[more]
Canister cooler (Enfriador de lata)
Canister cooler (Enfriador de lata)
Lot of 3 equipment for spare part (Lote de 3 equipos para refacción). (Approx. Rigging/Remocion: $150) ...[more]
FranRica 20 ton rotary coil hot break tank (Lote de un escaldador). (Approx. Rigging/Remocion: $175) ...[more]
American Can model 08 can seamer 95 complete . (Approx. Rigging/Remocion: $200) ...[more]
FMC model TC-40 tomato chopper
FMC model TC-40 tomato chopper. (Approx. Rigging/Remocion: $100) ...[more]
Lot of 2 tubs of aproximadfamente of 2.50 meters long by 1 meter of Nacho, tank of 90 cm of diameter
Lot of 2 tubs of aproximadfamente of 2.50 meters long by 1 meter of Nacho, tank of 90 cm of diameter x 1.30 meters of height and a Zaranda (Lote d...
Stainless steel kettle with carbon steel jacket, with a diameter of 1.10 meters, high 2.25 meters
Stainless steel kettle with carbon steel jacket, with a diameter of 1.10 meters, high 2.25 meters high capacity 500 litres (Marmita de acero inoxi...
Kettle with jacket of stainless steel, 500 liters capacity, diameter 1.10 meters and 3 meters high
Kettle with jacket of stainless steel, 500 liters capacity, diameter 1.10 meters and 3 meters high approximate measurements (Marmita con chaqueta ...
Kettle with agitator made of stainless steel capcidad 500 liters, with 1.10 meters diameter, 2.50
Kettle with agitator made of stainless steel capcidad 500 liters, with 1.10 meters diameter, 2.50 meters high approximately (Marmita con agitador ...
Sells better price (bulk bid lot 10081A or alone however brings more) SS tank Marks Cherre Burrei
Sells better price (bulk bid lot 10081A or alone however brings more) Stainless steel tank Marks Cherre Burrei with a 1.50 meters diameter for 1.8...
Sells better price (bulk bid lot 10081A or alone however brings more) Stainless steel bomb with entry of 3 " and exit of 2 (Bomba de acero inoxida...
Sells better price (bulk bid lot 10081A or alone however brings more) Stainless steel tank with serpentin with 1.70 meters diameter and 4 meters h...
Sells better price (bulk bid lot 10081A or alone however brings more) Waukesha Modelo 60 positive displacement pump with drive.(Waukesha pump). Ri...
Sells better price (bulk bid w 10081A or alone however brings more) Cherry Burrell heat exchanger
Sells better price (bulk bid w 10081A or alone however brings more) Cherry Burrell two barrel swept surface heat exchanger (Lote de 2 enfriadores...
Sells better price (bulk bid lot 10081A or alone however brings more) SS hot holding loop (Lote de tuberia de 2" para intercambiador de calor). R...
Sells better price(bulk bid10081A or alone however brings more)Cherry Burrell 3barrel heat exchanger
Cherry Burrell three barrel swept surface heat exchanger (Lote de 3 enfriadores asepticos Marca: Cherry Burrell). Sells better price (bulk bid lo...
Sells better price(bulk bid 10081A or alone however brings more)Cherry Burrell 3 barrel heat exchang
Cherry Burrell three barrel swept surface heat exchanger (Lote de 3 enfriadores asepticos Marca: Cherry Burrell). Sells better price (bulk bid lot...
10078-10079-10080-10081 includes lots Aseptic Team Marks: Cherry Burrell for 3 tons per hour * one
10078-10079-10080-10081 includes lots Aseptic Team Marks: Cherry Burrell for 3 tons per hour * one sells to the best bidder finished team or sale ...
Scholle Modelo 10-2 aspetic filler for 55 gallon bag-in-grums (Llenadora de bolsas asepticas)
Scholle Modelo 10-2 aspetic filler for 55 gallon bag-in-grums (Llenadora de bolsas asepticas de 55 galones Marca: Scholle Modelo 102 E). (Approx....
Scale for 300 kilos Brand: Revuelta (Bascula para 300 kilos Marca: Revuelta). (Approx. Rigging/Remocion: $25) ...[more]
Transporter and elevator of drums of 200 liters (Transportador y elevador de tambos de 200 litros)
Transporter and elevator of drums of 200 liters (Transportador y elevador de tambos de 200 litros). (Approx. Rigging/Remocion: $50) ...[more]
Batch of a bank of valves several measures and capacities (Lote de un banco de valvulas varias
Batch of a bank of valves several measures and capacities (Lote de un banco de valvulas varias medidas y capacidades). (Approx. Rigging/Remocion: ...
Steel Tank to the carbon of 1.70 meters in diameter by 3 meters long capacity 4000 liters approximately (Tanque de acero al carbon de 1.70 metros ...
Steel Tank to carbon 2.50 meters in diameter and 5 meters long with a capacity of 12 000 liters
Steel Tank to carbon 2.50 meters in diameter and 5 meters long with a capacity of 12 000 liters approximately (Tanque de acero al carbon de 2.50 m...
Water bomb of 8 " of entry for 6 " with engine of 75 hp approximately (Bomba de agua de 8" de
Water bomb of 8 " of entry for 6 " with engine of 75 hp approximately (Bomba de agua de 8" de entrada por 6" salida con motor de 75 hp aproximadam...
Water bomb of 6 " of entry for 6 " with engine of 50 hp approximately (Bomba de agua de 6" de
Water bomb of 6 " of entry for 6 " with engine of 50 hp approximately (Bomba de agua de 6" de entrada por 6" salida con motor de 50 hp aproximadam...
Water bomb of 6 " of entry for 4 "exit with engine of 30 hp approximately (Bomba de agua de 6"
Water bomb of 6 " of entry for 4 "exit with engine of 30 hp approximately (Bomba de agua de 6" salida de entrada por 4" con motor de 30 hp aproxim...
Steel tank to the coal of approximately 15 000 liters 12 meters long for 1.50 in diameter (Tanque de
Steel tank to the coal of approximately 15 000 liters 12 meters long for 1.50 in diameter (Tanque de acero al carbon de aproximadamente 15 000 lit...
Steel Tank to carbon with 4 meters of wire diameters by 3 meters high, capacity 15 000 liters
Steel Tank to carbon with 4 meters of wire diameters by 3 meters high, capacity 15 000 liters approximately (Tanque de acero al carbon con 4 metro...
Steel Tank to carbon with 4 meters of wire diameters by 3 meters high, capacity 15 000 liters
Steel Tank to carbon with 4 meters of wire diameters by 3 meters high, capacity 15 000 liters approximately (Tanque de acero al carbon con 4 metro...
Lot of 2 tanks 80 cm in diameter for 2.30 high one approximately (Lote de 2 tanques de 80 cm de
Lot of 2 tanks 80 cm in diameter for 2.30 high one approximately (Lote de 2 tanques de 80 cm de diametro por 2.30 de altura aproximadamente). (App...
Tanque de acero al carbon de 3.60 metros de altura por 1.20 metros de diametro capacidad de 5000
Tanque de acero al carbon de 3.60 metros de altura por 1.20 metros de diametro capacidad de 5000 litros aproximadamente.(Approx. Rigging/Remocion:...
Steel tank to the carbon of 3.60 meters by 1.20 meters in diameter capacity of 5000 liters
Steel tank to the carbon of 3.60 meters by 1.20 meters in diameter capacity of 5000 liters approximately (Tanque de acero al carbon de 2.50 de dia...
Steel Tank the carbol 1.50 in diameter by 3 meters high, capacity of 2000 liters approximate
Steel Tank the carbol 1.50 in diameter by 3 meters high, capacity of 2000 liters approximate measures (Tanque de acero al carbol 1.50 de diametro ...
Stainless steel tank of 1.50 in diameter by 2 meters high capacity 1500 liters approximate measures
Stainless steel tank of 1.50 in diameter by 2 meters high capacity 1500 liters approximate measures (Tanque de acero inoxidable de 1.50 de diametr...
Compressor Cooling Brand: Mycom Model:F6K (Compresor de Enfriamiento Marca: Mycom Modelo:F6K)
Compressor Cooling Brand: Mycom Model:F6K (Compresor de Enfriamiento Marca: Mycom Modelo:F6K). (Approx. Rigging/Remocion: $1500) ...[more]
Water bomb with engine Baldor of 7.5 hp (Bomba de agua con motor Baldor de 7.5 hp). (Approx. Rigging/Remocion: $25) ...[more]
Lot of 7 containers and 1 trailer with measures approximately 6 meters wide x 2.20 meters long (Lote
Lot of 7 containers and 1 trailer with measures approximately 6 meters wide x 2.20 meters long (Lote de 7 contenedores y 1 remolque con medidas ap...
Lot of 7 containers and 1 trailer with measures approximately 6 meters wide x 2.20 meters long (Lote
Lot of 7 containers and 1 trailer with measures approximately 6 meters wide x 2.20 meters long (Lote de tuberia de acero al carbon, pvc y tina de ...
Steel bomb to the coal with entry of 6 " and exit of 6 " with engine of 20 hp (Bomba de acero al
Steel bomb to the coal with entry of 6 " and exit of 6 " with engine of 20 hp (Bomba de acero al carbon con entrada de 6" y salida de 6" con motor...
Batch of boiler area piping and interior of the plant various measures and capacities (Lote de
Batch of boiler area piping and interior of the plant various measures and capacities (Lote de tuberia de area de calderas e interior de la planta...
Squared brand distribution board with 8 thermo-magnetic switches of various capacities (Tablero de
Squared brand distribution board with 8 thermo-magnetic switches of various capacities (Tablero de distribución Marca Squared con 8 interruptores ...
Lot of 2-panel motors for control of squared brand for spare parts (Lote de 2 tableros para
Lot of 2-panel motors for control of squared brand for spare parts (Lote de 2 tableros para control de motores Marca Squared para refacciones). (A...
Cajon de subestacion with knives (Cajon de subestacion con cuchillas). (Approx. Rigging/Remocion: $250) ...[more]
Lot of a 20 hp pump approximately with 2 "inlet and 3" output (Lote de una bomba de 20 hp aproximadamente con entrada de 2" y salida de 3"). (Appr...
Batch of content of subestacion: motors, valves, refaciones for several (Lote de contenido de
Batch of content of subestacion: motors, valves, refaciones for several (Lote de contenido de subestacion: motores electricos, valvulas, refacione...
Lot of (2) transformers of 300 KVA each about brand General Electric (Lote 2 transformadores de 300
Lot of 2 transformers of 300 KVA each about brand General Electric (Lote de 2 transformadores de 300 kva cada uno aproximadamente Marca General El...
Batch of electrical installation (Lote de instalacion electrica). (Approx. Rigging/Remocion: $2500) ...[more]
Batch of PVC tube 4", 6" and 8" of 5 meters of laargo approximately (Lote de tubo PVC de 4", 6" y 8"
Batch of PVC tube 4", 6" and 8" of 5 meters of laargo approximately (Lote de tubo PVC de 4", 6" y 8" de 5 metros de laargo aproximadamente). (Appr...
Lot of 3 motoreductores, 1 electrical engine, watches, tank and scrap (Lote de 3 motoreductores, 1
Lot of 3 motoreductores, 1 electrical engine, watches, tank and scrap (Lote de 3 motoreductores, 1 motor electrico, guardas, tanque y scrap). (App...
Batch of a pump lobe Maraca Wuakesha 30 hp approximately (Lote de una bomba de lobulos Maraca
Batch of a pump lobe Maraca Wuakesha 30 hp approximately (Lote de una bomba de lobulos Maraca Wuakesha de 30 hp aproximadamente). (Approx. Rigging...
Batch of pads hidrahulicos (Lote de patines hidrahulicos). (Approx. Rigging/Remocion: $25) ...[more]
Stevedore electrical Brand Clarck Model: HWP40C185 Not Serial: HWP465-0264-5725FA (Estibador
Stevedore electrical Brand Clarck Model: HWP40C185 Not Serial: HWP465-0264-5725FA (Estibador electrico Marca Clarck Modelo: HWP40C185 No de Serie:...
143 item(s)/page