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Timed auction

Auction dates

  • Ended Jun 21, 2018 1:31pm CT (7:31pm BST)

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Currency: USD
Buyer's premium: 18.00%
Sales tax: 16.00%

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KM 7 Carretera la 20 a Villa Juarez Cuiliacan, Sinaloa Mexico

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143 item(s)
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  • 143 item(s)

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Bulk bid - Lots 10001 - 10142 - Sold to best price individual or bulk however brings more. (Lote Bulk - Planta Completa para el Proceso & Package ...

Mezzanine lot in full carbon steel: area unloading in water and tomato transport approximate measurements of 5 x 17 area in approximately square m...

Transporter by water, 48 meters with measures of tub 35 cm wide with legs of 1.90 point higher approximately (Transportador por agua, 48 metros co...

Lot of 1 tub and 2 structures for conveyor with reducer measuring 2 m x 4 m and 80 cm depth, conveyor belt 80 cm wide x 3 m long approximate measu...

Lot of 48 meters of pipe of 4 "and 6" with 7 valves of several measurements. (Lote de 48 metros de tuberia de 4" y 6" con 7 válvulas de varias med...

Batch of a water pump with 6 "Output with 30 HP board and engine approximately (Lote de una bomba para agua con salida de 6" con tablero y motor d...

Lot of 11 containers of 6 x 2.20 meters and 1 meter bottom approximately (Lote de 11 contenedores de 6 x 2.20 metros y 1 metro de fondo aproximada...

Lot of a Mechanical Revolt Scale, of approximately 50 tons (Lote de una bascula Marca Revuelta Mecanica , de 50 toneladas aproximadamente)

Lot of 30 meters of water conveyor with measures of tub 60 cm wide by 1.56 cm high and with a bottom 35 cm (Lote de 30 metros de transportador por...

Lot of 1 conveyor structure 90 cm wide by 10 meters long approximate measures, with motoreductor 1 hp, and a squirrel type fan with motor of appro...

Lot of a conveyor with sanitary chain 10 meters long, 85 wide with a gear motor of approximately 1 hp (Lote de un conveyor con cadena sanitaria de...

Lot of a conveyor with 3 "rollers, 1 hp motor reducer 10 meters long and 85 cm wide (Lote de un conveyor con rodillos de 3", motoreductor de 1 hp ...

Batch of a fan type squirrel 1/2 hp motor (Lote de un ventilador tipo ardilla con motor de 1/2 hp). (Approx. Rigging/Remocion: $50) ...[more]

Distribution board Marks Squared with 4 switches of 315,200,150 amps (Tablero de distribución Marca Squared con 4 interruptores de 315,200,150 amp...

Mezanie lot with 7 meters non-skid badge for 70 cm wide Lot of an air compressor Marks Itsa with 500 liters tank and engine of 15 hp approximately...

Lot of an air compressor Marks Itsa with 500 liters tank and engine of 15 hp approximately (Lote de un compresor de aire Marca Itsa con tanque de ...

Rietz TL  Thermacrew - steam injected blancher/cooker, 36" diameter x 15' long, SSmade of stainless steel (Escaldador Marca: Reitz Modelo: TL-36 t...

Escaldador Marca: Gem Modelo 48 "x 14" maximum temperature of 100 ° with measurements aproiximadas of 6 meters I chatter, widely 95 cm and 1 meter...

FMC model 100 pulper with motor of 12 hp  (Pulper deshuesador tipo horizontal de mango criva con motor de 12 hp). (Approx. Rigging/Remocion: $200)...

FMC Model 100 pulper with engine of 12 hp Mark Baldor (Pulper deshuesador tipo horizontal Marca: FMC Model 100 de mango criva con motor de 12 hp M...

Lot 10020


OUT ...[more]

Motor pump for warm stainless steel liquids brought in of 4 " and gone out of 3" (Motobomba para liquidos calientes de acero inoxidable entrada de...

Motor pump for warm stainless steel liquids bought in of 4 " and gone out of 3" (Lote de 3 valvulas de 5" y valvula check con actuador). (Approx. ...

Stainless steel  rotary coil hot break tank(Tanque de acero inoxidable con serpentin rotatorio). (Approx. Rigging/Remocion: $750) ...[more]

Lot of a bomb of stainless steel with entry of 3 " and exit of 2 " approximately (Lote de una bomba de acero inoxidable con entrada de 3" y salida...

Sells with lot 126 stainless steel hopper with bomb for liquids viscous of 20 hp with exit of 6 " approximately (Tolva de acero inoxidable con bom...

Sells w/ lot 10025, 37 e 41 One lot one money - Manzini single effect evaporator with 125 kw pump inlet 10 "and 12" output/capacity 40 tons per ho...

 Manzini  PRC-15 pulper No of series 21077 25 hp (Pulper Marca Manzini Modelo PRC-15 No de serie 21077 25 hp).  (Approx. Rigging/Remocion: $250) ...

Manzini pulper (Manzini Pulper fabricado en acero inoxidable).  (Approx. Rigging/Remocion: $250) ...[more]

Manzini turbo pulper (Pulper  fabricado en acero inoxidable).  (Approx. Rigging/Remocion: $250) ...[more]

Manzini turbo pulper (Pulper  fabricado en acero inoxidable).   (Approx. Rigging/Remocion: $250) ...[more]

Stainless steel tank with 2.70 meters diameter and height of 3 meters approximately (Tanque de acero inoxidable con diametro de 2.70 metros y altu...

Manzini  T-30 turbo pulper  s/n: 3202 with engine of 40 hp/rpm 1150(Turbo Pulper Marca Manzini Modelo T-30 No de serie: 3202 con motor de 40 hp/rp...

Manzini  T-30 turbo pulper  s/n 3203 with motor of 20 hp/rpm 1150  (Turbo pulper Marca Manzini Modelo T-30 No de serie: 3203 con motor de 20 hp/rp...

Electrical Motor Brand BBC 25 hp (Motor electrico Marca BBC de 25 hp). (Approx. Rigging/Remocion: $75) ...[more]

Stainless steel bomb for warm liquids with entry of 4 " and exit of 2 " of 3 hp approximately (Bomba de acero inoxidable para liquidos calientes c...

Pulper support deck. (Approx. Rigging/Remocion: $200) ...[more]

Sells w/ lot 126  - one lot one money - Bomb for viscous warm liquids of 20 hp (Bomba para liquidos calientes viscosos de 20 hp) ...[more]

Vareador of Frequency Mark Allen Bradley Model 1336 Plus 2 (Vareador de Frecuencia Marca Allen Bradley Modelo 1336 Plus 2). (Approx. Rigging/Remoc...

Control board with graficador Taylor Marks (Tablero de control con graficador Marca Taylor).  (Approx. Rigging/Remocion: $150) ...[more]

Control Panel (Panel de Control). (Approx. Rigging/Remocion: $50)   ...[more]

Sells w/ lot 126  - one lot one money - Control board Marks FMC with graficador (Tablero de control Marca FMC con graficador ) ...[more]

Evaporator with rotary serpentin Mark Tito Manzini and Figli No series 793255 (Evaporador con serpentin rotatorio Marca Tito Manzini y Figli No de...

Stainless steel pump for liquids hot and vizcosos engine with 5 HP, entry 4" with Output 2"approximately (Bomba de acero inoxidable para liquidos ...

Bomb type snail for warm liquids brought in of 8 " and gone out of 6 " with engine of 60 hp approximately (Bomba tipo caracol para liquidos calien...

Lot of 2 valves of 8 " approximately (Lote de 2 valvulas de 8" aproximadamente). (Approx. Rigging/Remocion: $50) ...[more]

Steel tank to the coal 1.70 meters in diameter by 5 meters high approximately (Tanque de acero al carbon, de 1.70 metros de diametro por 5 metros ...

Bomb for warm liquids of 4 " of entry for 2 " of exit with engine of 2 hp approximately (Bomba para liquidos calientes de 4" de entrada por 2" de ...

Control board with graficadores and manometers (Tablero de control con graficadores y manometros).  (Approx. Rigging/Remocion: $150) ...[more]

Control board with graficadores and manometers (Tablero de control con graficadores y manometros).  (Approx. Rigging/Remocion: $150) ...[more]

Lot of 2 valves of 6" (Lote de 2 valvulas de 6"). (Approx. Rigging/Remocion: $50) ...[more]

Steel tank to the coal 1 meter in diameter by 3 meters high approximately (Tanque de acero al carbon, de 1 metro de diametro por 3 metros de altur...

Bomb type snail for warm liquids brought in of 8 " and gone out of 6 " with engine of 60 hp approximately (Bomba tipo caracol para liquidos calien...

Stainless steel bomb with engine of 15 hp (Bomba de acero inoxidable con motor de 15 hp).  (Approx. Rigging/Remocion: $120) ...[more]

Manzini  RF781 Roto-film wiped film evaporator, horizontal mount.  (Rotofilm para evaporacion Marca: Manzini Modelo RF781). (Approx. Rigging/Remoc...

Bomb for warm liquids and vizcosos with entrasda of 6 " and exit of 4 " with engine of 20 hp (Bomba para liquidos calientes y vizcosos con entrasd...

Batch of a water pump with 1 HP motor and a work table (Lote de una bomba de agua con motor de 1 hp y una mesa de trabajo). (Approx. Rigging/Remoc...

Swept surface heat exchanger, two barrel  SCR 2720. (Approx. Rigging/Remocion: $750) ...[more]

Board with grafitador Taylor Marks (Tablero con grafitador Marca Taylor).  (Approx. Rigging/Remocion: $120) ...[more]

Center of distribucionm with 11 switches termomagneticos Marks: Federeal Pacific (Centro de distribucionm con 11 interruptores termomagneticos Mar...

  • 143 item(s)

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