Timed auction

Auction dates

  • Ends from Oct 24, 2024 10am ET

Viewing dates

  • 9am - 3pm ET

Auction details

Currency: USD
Buyer's premium: 18.00%
Sales tax: 7.00%

Venue address

650 Jefferson Road Sumter, South Carolina 29153 United States

Auction house

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885 item(s)
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  • 885 item(s)

Sale preview will be held on Wednesday, October 3 from 9:00AM to 3:00PM ET, and by appointment only. Please schedule your inspection appointment i...

Invoices will be sent to all Buyers via email no later than 24 hours after the sale closes. All invoices must be paid in full no later than 5pm ET...

All small items must be removed by Thursday, October 31. All other lots, including larger machinery and equipment, must be removed no later than F...

14-Drawer Modular Tool Cabinet, 61"

14-Drawer Modular Tool Cabinet, 59"

13-Drawer Modular Tool Cabinet, 59"

13-Drawer Modular Tool Cabinet, 59"

13-Drawer Modular Tool Cabinet, 44"

12-Drawer Modular Tool Cabinet, 61"

12-Drawer Modular Tool Cabinet, 59"

12-Drawer Modular Tool Cabinet, 59"

12-Drawer Modular Tool Cabinet, 44"

12-Drawer Modular Tool Cabinet, 44"

11-Drawer Modular Tool Cabinet, 61"

11-Drawer Modular Tool Cabinet, 61"

11-Drawer Modular Tool Cabinet, 59"

11-Drawer Modular Tool Cabinet, 59"

11-Drawer Modular Tool Cabinet, 59"

11-Drawer Modular Tool Cabinet, 59"

11-Drawer Modular Tool Cabinet, 59"

11-Drawer Modular Tool Cabinet, 59"

11-Drawer Modular Tool Cabinet, 59"

11-Drawer Modular Tool Cabinet, 59"

11-Drawer Modular Tool Cabinet, 59"

11-Drawer Modular Tool Cabinet, 59"

10-Drawer Modular Tool Cabinet, 61"

10-Drawer Modular Tool Cabinet, 59"

10-Drawer Modular Tool Cabinet, 59"

10-Drawer Modular Tool Cabinet, 44"

9-Drawer Modular Tool Cabinet, 61"

9-Drawer Modular Tool Cabinet, 61"