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396 item(s)/page
Results for live webcast and timed auctions may not have been verified by the auctioneer. If you are in any doubt of the accuracy of the prices provided, please call the auction house to confirm.
Ridgid heavy duty 24" pipe wrench
One 18" pipe wrench and two 12" pipe wrenches ...[more]
Mack, Snap On and other miscellaneous sockets
Miscellaneous hammers and a crowbar
Miscellanoeus tote, bulbs, gas, fuses, etc.
Mico ART 6000 BP Entrance lock and other door handles ...[more]
Three Cooper Lighting 400 watt outdoor lights, catalog CS71629MA ...[more]
Central Pneumatic portable soda blast ...[more]
Cummings #4 rotating vise, 4-1/2" jaws
Kingscraft electric polisher
Kingscraft electric polisher ...[more]
Skil 12-volt drill driver, model HD2736, with battery and charger in case
Ryobi 18-volt saw, drill and battery, no charger
Drillmaster 15-watt heat gun
Drillmaster 15-watt heat gun ...[more]
Drillmaster 15-watt electric heat gun ...[more]
Weller Expert soldering gun and a Milwaukee heat gun
United States Electrical Tool Company 1/4" electric drill, serial #490215
Black & Decker electric drill and a Skil model 501 1/4" drill ...[more]
Dewalt Rip Sander DW411 and a Black & Decker 7517 Speed Jigsaw ...[more]
Skil high-speed sander, model 439, and z Zephyr 1/4" saw, model 411
Black & Decker 3 x 21 belt sander ...[more]
Montgomery Ward 7" sander polisher
Speed Rite 900 check validator ...[more]
Two in One Jump Start air compressor
1/2 hp double head tabletop grinder ...[more]
Woodward Schumacher 10 amp electromite battery charger
Craftsman ratchet wrench 3/8", reversible ...[more]
Central Pneumatic 3" high speed air cutter
AC Companion 3/8" ratchet wrench ...[more]
1/4" Pneumatic driver, model AW434
Speed Rite Express and a 5" polisher ...[more]
Milwaukee heavy duty 3/4" driver ...[more]
Kingcraft 5" variable speed orbit sander
Compressor hose and fittings
Compressor hose and fittings ...[more]
Miscellaneous 8" max locking wrench, tube cutter and flaring tool, quick thread, rivet tool, and mis
Miscellaneous 8" max locking wrench, tube cutter and flaring tool, quick thread, rivet tool, and miscellaneous
Hydraulic floor jack, 4000 lb capacity

396 item(s)/page