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  • Ended Jun 18, 2023 7:30pm MT (Jun 19, 2023 2:30am BST)

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Currency: CAD
Buyer's premium: 0.00%

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Looking for a unique and exciting way to support the Flying Cross Jockey Program? Look no further, up for grabs is naming rights on one of our rac...

Looking for a unique and exciting way to support the Flying Cross Jockey Program? Look no further, up for grabs is naming rights on one of our rac...

Looking for a unique and exciting way to support the Flying Cross Jockey Program? Look no further, up for grabs is naming rights on one of our rac...

Looking for a unique and exciting way to support the Flying Cross Jockey Program? Look no further, up for grabs is naming rights on one of our rac...

Looking for a unique and exciting way to support the Flying Cross Jockey Program? Look no further, up for grabs is naming rights on one of our rac...

Looking for a unique and exciting way to support the Flying Cross Jockey Program? Look no further, up for grabs is naming rights on one of our rac...

Looking for a unique and exciting way to support the Flying Cross Jockey Program? Look no further, up for grabs is naming rights on one of our rac...

Looking for a unique and exciting way to support the Flying Cross Jockey Program? Look no further, up for grabs is naming rights on one of our rac...

Looking for a unique and exciting way to support the Flying Cross Jockey Program? Look no further, up for grabs is naming rights on one of our rac...

Looking for a unique and exciting way to support the Flying Cross Jockey Program? Look no further, up for grabs is naming rights on one of our rac...

Looking for a unique and exciting way to support the Flying Cross Jockey Program? Look no further, up for grabs is naming rights on one of our rac...

Looking for a unique and exciting way to support the Flying Cross Jockey Program? Look no further, up for grabs is naming rights on one of our rac...

Looking for a unique and exciting way to support the Flying Cross Jockey Program? Look no further, up for grabs is naming rights on one of our rac...

Tuesday June 27 - 4 Ponoka Stampede Tickets For Chuckwagons & Alecia Aichelle Concert Plus 4 BBQ Dinners From Sixth On The Block Smokehouse ...[m...

Wed June 28 - 4 Ponoka Stampede Tickets For Chuckwagons & Corb Lund Concert Plus 4 BBQ Dinners From Sixth On The Block Smokehouse ...[more]

Thurs June 29 - 4 Ponoka Stampede Tickets For Chuckwagons & Washboard Union Concert Plus 4 BBQ Dinners From Sixth On The Block Smokehouse ...[mor...

Friday June 30 - 4 Ponoka Stampede Tickets For Chuckwagons & Meghan Patrick Concert Plus 4 BBQ Dinners From Sixth On The Block Smokehouse ...[mor...

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